The Frank McCleary Medical Scholarship
Application submissions
open April to August |
Our Purpose
The Frank McCleary Medical Scholarship Fund was established in 1972 to fund scholarships for students of high scholastic standing, who are citizens of the United States and engaged in the study of medicine at universities and colleges in the Pacific Northwest. History The fund was made possible from a $500,000 donation made to the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) from the estate of businessman and philanthropist Frank McCleary. Mr McCleary was the son of Mary Ball Regent, WSSDAR State Regent, and NSDAR Vice President General, Ada L. McCleary. The bequest instructed that management of the fund would be performed by members of the Mary Ball Chapter, NSDAR in Washington State. Since the fund’s inception in 1972, the board has awarded 799 scholarships totaling $1,486,325 (2023). In 2023 the Frank McCleary Medical Scholarship board issued $18,000 in scholarships to three students ($6,000 each), all of whom attend the University of Washington School of Medicine How to Apply Scholarship consideration is open by application to second year or higher students enrolled in established 4-year college or university medical programs. The applicant must have a GPA over 3.0 and be a citizen of the United States. Applicants must apply with all required documents noted on the application through The; direct applications will not be considered. Log into Search for Frank McCleary Medical Scholarship. The Legacy: |
Ada L. McClearyAda L. (Johnson) McCleary moved west from Ohio with her husband Henry McCleary (1861-1943) in 1890, and originally settled in Tacoma, Washington. Together they had two sons, Charles and Frank. After settling in Washington, Henry started the McCleary Timber Company and was one of the founders of the town of McCleary, Washington. Ada joined the Mary Ball Chapter in 1904 and served as the Mary Ball DAR Chapter Regent from 1910-1912 and again from 1917-1918. She served as DAR Washington State Regent from 1913-1915. She served as the DAR National Chairwoman of the Old Trails Road Committee from 1915-1917 and her outstanding dedication to DAR and philantropic work lead to her election as DAR National Vice President General in 1919. She served as Vice President General from 1920-1923. Ada unexpectedly died in her sleep September 25, 1923. She was 63 years old.
Frank McClearyFrank McCleary was born in Washington State, the son of Henry and Ada L. McCleary. His father Henry founded the McCleary Timber Company and owned several business ventures including a cattle company in Nevada. Frank McCleary and his wife Catherine moved to Nevada to run the McCleary Cattle Company that by 1963, was the largest private cattle ranch in the state.
Catherine McCleary developed a medical condition called Anterior Spinal Artery Syndrome. Frustrated by the lack of rural medical facilities available, Frank took Catherine to doctors all over the country. Cathy passed away in 1962. When Frank McCleary died in 1970, he left $500,000 to the NSDAR, with the stipulation that the fund was to be managed by the Mary Ball Chapter to award scholarships for medical students, with an emphasis on students interested in practicing in rural areas. The scholarship fund board was officially organized in 1972. |