Attention Administrators, School Principals and Educators of Accredited Public and Private High Schools in Pierce County, Washington!
Student Selection form is due by October 31st |
Dependability: truthfulness, loyalty, punctuality and being worthy of trust
Service: cooperation, courtesy, and contributing to the welfare of others and to their school and community Leadership: personality, self-control, ability to assume responsibility, ability to inspire others, and a decision-maker Patriotism: devotion to and support of one’s country, and causes that make one’s community stronger, and appreciating the cultural and historic importance of America’s unique population Each school may, however, use a method of its own choice to select their student to honor. Only one current high school senior can be recognized per school per year. The program is open to all senior class students enrolled in accredited public or private secondary schools in good standing with their state boards of education or a recognized accrediting organization such that a General Educational Development (GED) test is not required to receive a high school diploma. United States citizenship is not required for this award. What do you do? All you need to do is to select your student, and let us know by completing the Student Information Sheet for your student selection and send in by OCTOBER 31st. Include grade transcript and two letters of recommendation and paragraph including why your have nominated your student, along with biography (can be written by the student) highlighting their Good Citizen qualities, showing their school and community service, school activities and leadership roles. The student will receive from DAR a certificate and pin at our award ceremony. The student may include the recognition on resume's and college entrance applications. The school may also announce your selection of your Good Citizen! We have More Opportunities for your Good Citizen Student! One selected by the school, your student has the opportunity to participate in the Good Citizen Essay Contest for Scholarship awards! The essay contest is administered by the school, and deadline to submit the completed essay to our Chapter Good Citizen Chairperson is December 1, 2023. Winning at the chapter level will move their essay to state, winning essays go on competing at the national level. All levels have the opportunity for scholarship awards. The student should let us know they wish to complete in the Essay Contest immediately upon being recognized by the school. Need more information: Contact us at maryballweb@ |